Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I found this very relevant to the research I expect to do, especially since researching identity involves observations as much as interviews and other methods.

Observing physical traces: find reflection of previous activity not produced
What to look for:
  • connections (between people, ideas, groups)
  • separations (the question of why would there be a separation between two specific buildings or streets)
  • displays of self
    • personalization, identification, group membership, public messages
Observing environmental behavior
  • empathetic/direct/dynamic/variably intrusive approaches - I think being direct about identity might be something to try, but might be awkward, being empathetic brings too many biases and assumptions into play, being variably intrusive is a necessary approach if I want to really talk to youth about semi-personal topics (personal only since I would be a stranger), and dynamic is a very good approach because it incorporates change, cause, effect, and extrapolation
  • Secret or recognized outsider - it might be nice to blend in to observe so that people act the way they usually do, but I will be recognized in a conversation, which is fine as long as I make my purpose clear and use the right tone/words
  • Marginal versus full participant - this is tricky. I would be marginally asking Berliners about their identity, but most heart-to-hearts involve sharing. It might work to share (if appropriate) some experiences and thoughts regarding my own identity.


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